With the advent of a new school year, it has been heartbreak- ing to witness prior GP faculty such as Mr. Gigot, Dr. Kim, and Ms. Kelly depart, but refreshing to welcome 11 new faculty members, on top of the incoming freshman class, into our community!
Among a handful of new employees is Mr. Kyle Badoy, ’20, a Prep Alumni who will be working with the campus ministry through the Alumni Service Corp Pro- gram for this school year. (Alumni Service Corps, ASC, is a 10-month program for Prep graduates who seek to give back to the Prep com- munity through a variety of roles at prep). Born in Columbia, Mary- land, and raised in Gaithersburg, Mr. Badoy pursued his lifelong interest in Psychology at Fordham University and graduated this May with a Bachelor’s in the subject. Having grown up in a family of psychiatrists, he is now completing certain prerequisites to qualify for an 18-month accelerated master’s in Nursing.
During his year at Prep, he will be contributing to the campus ministry, assisting with service retreats and Kairos. He also looks to further his interests in health and psychology with Dr. Napolitano in the GP counseling services and Ms. Jones and the Nurses in the health office. Living in Boland Hall, Mr. Badoy will also guide sophomore residents through study halls on Tuesday nights and lead residents’ activities on the weekends.
As Mr. Badoy relives Prep from another perspective; he has provid- ed insights on the various changes that occurred at Prep in his four- year absence—all overtaken by the grandeur of the new resident building. As he remarked, “You guys are really being spoiled… This is crazy.” Having lived four years at Fordham, which is infamously known for having the worst din- ing experience in the US, he shares with us a common joy and longing for South Room chicken patties and tortellini.
Outside of his studies and career, Mr. Badoy is equipped with a variety of niche interests and hobbies. In his free time, you could often find him immersed in instru- mental music on his skate- board with large headphones, gliding across campus, or he could be carry- ing paintbrush- es, stroking brushes of ab- stract paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock. In addition, he has been prac- ticing Wing Chun since he was ten years old, eventually teaching Wing Chun to many students across the DMV area. Trained by a distant disciple of the famous Ip Man (who taught Bruce Lee), you could trace his direct martial arts lineage back to its founder—evidenced by the tattooed seal (Moyyat)—on his right forearm.
Mr. Badoy, during his time at Fordham, also engaged in an opportunity many would have begged for: securing a job position in the most expensive three-star Michelin restaurant in the world, named Masa. He has had the privilege of en- countering some of the most prominent figures of our time, once serving the CEO of Nestle and Kanye West. Apart from Leonardo Di- Caprio, who frequents the restau- rant, he has also personally served Jeff Bezos. Expecting the opportu- nity of a lifetime, it was disappoint- ing to Mr. Badoy that Jeff Bezos, despite being

known as one of the richest men in current society, did not tip in proportion to his wealth and only paid the normal amount.
Unfortunately, despite his superb skill sets, Mr. Badoy will not partake in serving the Prep com- munity along with our dining staff in the South Room. One would still have to pay phenomenal amounts to experience three-star Michelin service at Masa.
With a passion for giving back to the Prep community—and possibly introducing Wing Chun classes to the residents—Mr. Badoy has much in store for Prep as we look forward to an exciting year ahead.