Dr. Albrecht, a professor with a rich international background, has recently joined the teaching staff at Prep as a history teacher, bringing a wealth of experience for her freshman and seniors!
Originally from Zagreb, Croatia, Dr. Albrecht studied Modern European History at the prestigious University of Cambridge, and earned her BA in history with honors from the University of Zagreb. After her studies, she began teaching in Sussex and Ascot, England.
Dr. Albrecht’s path took her to Washington, D.C., following her husband’s career in the Internation- al Monetary Fund. For the past two years, she has taught Internationalism and the Geneva System at Georgetown University every Wednesday, where she focuses on how modernism shapes global interactions.
Dr. Albrecht’s passion for history is due to its endless opportunities to uncover new aspects of the past. During the interview, she emphasized the importance of knowing languages, as it can have a huge effect on your availability to different historical sources.
At Prep, Dr. Albrecht teaches four classes, including AP European History. She mentioned the vibrant and motivated student body as one her favorite things at Prep. “The students here are exceptional—motivated, respectful, and create a warm, homey environment,” she said.
Dr. Albrecht transitioned to teaching at Prep because she found working with university students to be challenging and much different. “Lecturing to university students can be less interactive, while work- ing with high school students allows for a more engaging and dynamic teaching experience,” she explained.
Although it has only been two weeks, Dr. Albrecht is happy and ex- cited for the new year ahead!